Global Connection and USA Horace Mann School

 Through our school headmistress, Mrs. Kondowe who is a member of an international Principals' forum called Global Connection, in 2006, one of our Mathematics educators had an opportunity to go and visit a school in the United States of America. The visit came as a result of a discussion held between herself and the Head of a private school, Horace Mann - New York, Dr. Barbara Tischler in a Global Connection Conference held at Guatamala the summer of 2005. The exchange programme saw the educator visiting some of the Science and Mathematics classes from year 9 through to year 12, which is our equivalent of Grade 9 to Grade 12.

The exchange programme was fruitful in that ideas and methods of imparting knowledge from the American perspective were shared. The Education Authority of the United States was also interrogated during the visit. Educational resources were also shared during this exchange programme. A large consignment of Mathematics, Physical Science, Accounting and English textbooks were donated in kind to our school by Horace Mann School.

Our educator, Mr. D Maedi,  had an opportunity to address a meeting attended by the parent community of the school. In this meeting issues on the development and transformation in Africa as a whole were shared and the prevalence of HIV/Aids as it is an international priority.

The school had a lot to offer as exchange to our school. Our educator visited almost all senior classes irrespective of the subjects, although focus was on the Mathematics and Science classes. He had an opportunity to visit one public school and experience first hand how the public school education differs from independent education, almost the same as in South Africa in that the independent schools have too mch autonomy and the fees are very high for any average family.

The extra curricula activities at the school ranged from a fully fledged photo and video studio, music, sport and gymnastics, student - teacher coalition- which is a forum that meets every fortnight to discuss all affairs at the school for the smooth running thereof.