Partnerships and Projects

Life College - The Cradle of Champions.


A well known natioal e-tv News anchor, Mr. Pat Pillai initiated a partnership with our school on a project that was later to be known as Life College. We are amongst the first schools - and the second in Soweto to be roped into the project when it was still at its infant stages, way back in 2003.

Since then, we have formed a very strong long lasting relationship with the college not only on academic matters but also social interactive matters that affect even the economy of the country.

The thrusts of this project, amongst others,

  • is to nurture the social, enterprenual, and leadership skills, intelligence and emotional qoutient determination
  • and introduce the learners to their life champions amongst them, Dan Moyane, Penny Heyns, Basetsana Makgalemele, Danny K, Tim Modise, William Kirsch, Sally Burdett, HRH Princess Zenani Dlamini, Dr. Ali Batcher, Jonty Rhodes, Vuyo Mbuli, Pieter Dirk-Uys, Anant Singh etc. and the list is endless.

From time to time, the learners get the opportunity to meet these life champions and they get to interview them on a very social basis and get to know the secrets of their successes so as to shape their future accordingly.


To date, about 120 from our school have benefited from this project and some of them are still part of this programme even post matriculation as a result of the continuity on the social realm of the country.


Vuka Project.


To contribute back to the community to which the school belongs, in partnership with other schools and the South African Police Services (SAPS) in Meadowlands, our school is involved in a project called Vuka, which stands for Vuka Ukhanye Africa - which loosely translated means wake up and shine Africa.

The project's purpose of existence is to attempt to address the social ills in the community like pregnancy amongst youth, crime, women abuse, safety for children etc. so that the said ills are seen to be eliminated or minimised.

The effect of the projects is very visible in that most of the learners that have attended some courses offered by the project have become community leaders in a small community of Letsibogo Girls High School.   

The collaboration of all stake holders in this project has resulted in the burglary in schools decreasing so drastically and the social ills refered to above, minimised considerably.


Aurora Project.


Since its inception in 2001,our school has been part of this project run as a collaboration amongst a group of schools at Kingsmead College in Rosebank. The senior learners in grades 10 and 11 attend regularly the workshops that nurture their social skills, leadership skills, social issues like HIV and Aids as well as carreer pathing. Critical thinking skills are also being addressed at some of the seminars they attend with some learners from all backgrounds and cultures across the colour spectrum in this country.


Cell C


Every year, Cell C cellphone company embarks on a project of "Take a girl child to work." The aim of the project is to introduce the girl learners to the work place so that they can make informed decisions when it comes to right career choices.

The project was launched in 2004 and our school, by virtue of being a girl-only school, gets invited to bring girls to different companies. The enthusiasm they show on their return from these companies really says a lot about the involvement of our school in the up bringing of the girl-child to take a rightful place in the global world. The companies we collaborate with in this project are Pretoria University, University of Johannesburg, Nedbank, Standard Bank, First National Bank, MTN,Cell C, South African Blood Services amongst others.


Winning Teams.


A Project at inception in 2004,  known as Mampodi and now known as the Winning Teams - is an educational project that seeks to highlight some important enterprenual skills among learners.it is carreer oriented and seeks to nurture the skills learners will need in a workplace as they progress through the grades at school and be better informed as far as carreers , in the Economic and Management Sciences discipline are concerned. The project was sponsored by Nedbank and now has been taken over by Standard Bank of South Africa (SBSA) and Post Bank and our learners benefit handsomely from the kind gesture of the sponsors of the project, this to the edification of education.